Meet 18-year old lifestyle YouTuber—and much to her dismay—high school senior LYDIA, as
she and her 19-year old college freshman girlfriend TASHA walk through the crowded mall. They dodge stares as a camera hovers over their heads, because that’s what vloggers do, right?
The real question is what would you do if your personal information was shared without your permission? Welcome to SCREENED.
So as you can see, we are walking
through the mall doing some pre-move-in shopping. Now, obviously y’all know I’m still waiting on my acceptance to Southwestern AND my trunk party isn’t for a few weeks, but we thought we’d do some window shopping to finalize my registry.TASHA
Yeah, cause this one will lose it if she doesn’t get a bedspread that matches her dorm Pinterest
Shut up babe! Anyways, we’re about to head into some stores and I
don’t got time for people to keep staring at me and asking me what I’m recording for, so I’m just going to show y’all a little footage of the mall and I’ll check back in later.TASHA
AKA Tash the handy videographer
will be—
Tales of the text podcast is produced with support from PRX and the Google Podcasts creator program.
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Instagram @talesofthetextpodcast
Twitter @talesofthetext
Created and Executive Produced By – Joi Mitchell
Writer – Janaya Greene
Lydia- voiced by Kima V. Antoine
Tasha – voiced by Auzrielle Raglin
Deanna- voiced by Candice Ayer
Sound Design by Scott Stronach
Music/SFX – Epidemic Sound